BOCCE CLUB STRUCTURE: Constitution and Bylaws
To be effective, organizations need basic rules. A constitution and/or bylaws is/are the way most groups write their rules. The constitution contains the fundamental principles which govern a group’s operation. The bylaws establish the specific rules of guidance by which the group is to function.
Why have a constitution?
By definition, an organization is a “body of persons organized for some specific purpose, as a club, union or society.” Writing a constitution will serve to clarify your purpose, delineate your basic structure, and provide the cornerstone for building an effective group. It will also allow members and potential members to have a better understanding of what the organization is all about and how it functions. If you keep in mind the value of having a written document that clearly describes the basic framework of your organization, the drafting of the constitution will be much easier and a more rewarding experience.
What should be covered by a constitution?
The objective is to draft a document that covers these topics in a simple, clear, and concise manner. Remember to include the date your document is adopted or revised. Here is what is commonly covered by a constitution:
The name of the bocce sports club, |
Purpose and goals of the club and its present or intended relation to any local, state, or national organization, |
Membership – eligibility of membership, rights and responsibilities, resignation, and expulsion procedures, |
Officers, terms of office, responsibilities, vacancies, elections of officers, |
Committees, responsibilities, and method of committee members selection, |
Meetings, regular and special meetings, |
Rules of order, Robert’s Rules of Order or similar rules, |
Amendments, requirements for adopting amendments |
Dissolution – procedures covering the dissolution of the club. |
Figure 116: Club documents brainstorming
Figure 117: Club documents discussion
What should be included in the bylaws?
The bylaws should explain the steps and procedures for implementing provisions in the constitution. Bylaws must not contradict provisions in the constitution. Here is a brief bylaws outline:
Membership - application process, types of membership, termination, and reinstatement conditions, |
Financial provisions - dues, initiation fees, fines, collection procedures, any special fees, due dates, etc., |
Duties of officers - Powers, responsibilities, procedures for filing unexpired terms of office, removal from office, |
Board of directors - structure, composition, powers, |
Committees - standing, special, how formed, chairpersons, meetings, powers, duties, |
Order of business - spell out rules of order, how meetings are to be run, quorum, or any special procedures, |
Amendment procedures - means of proposals, notice required, voting requirements. |
Policies and procedures
As your sports club grows and develops its range of activities, you will probably find it necessary to establish some club policies that set out in more detail how the club and its members should operate. Typically, these policies might cover such things as:
Membership policy - membership criteria and membership forms, including additional provisions for junior members, |
Equal opportunity policy - an equity statement and its implementation through an equal opportunities policy, |
Code of conduct for fair play - the standards of conduct expected of members or officials, |
Child protection - arrangements for protecting children, young people, or vulnerable adults from any form of abuse, |
Health & safety - covering duty of care, risk assessment, insurance, first aid, emergency procedures, etc., |
Club development policies - covering club development and planning, |
Ethics in sport - all aspects of fair and equitable conduct in both the management and running of the sport... |
Figure 116 Photo Credit: - Mikhail Nilov
Figure 117 Photo Credit: - Ivan Samkov
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