The City Bocce Club, as a non-profit sporting organization, raises money through corporate and public donations for the essential bocce sport-related projects. Projects might include building a new bocce facility, club rooms, buying sporting equipment, conducting specialized coaching or training clinics, the funding team travel to national and international championships, or hosting a major sporting event.
If you are a potential donor, you can donate to the City Bocce Club in general or nominate a registered project you would prefer your donation to benefit. All donations assist in developing the bocce sport within Seattle and Puget Sound Area.
Donations can be made by completing a City Bocce Club donation form (please see the link at the bottom of the page).
How Tax Deductibility Helps Sport
Donations to the City Bocce Club can assist the City community to develop the sport. Tax deductibility is an attractive incentive to donors when it comes to giving.
Tax Exempt Organization Search (TEOS) on allows users to search for tax-exempt charities. Taxpayers can use this tool to determine if donations they make to an organization are tax-deductible charitable contributions.
1. Making your donation to the City Bocce Club
Donating to the City Bocce Club is easy. All you have to do is complete the attached donation form and send it with your gift to the City Bocce Club.
A signed donation form must accompany all donations.
A donation form makes it simple for donors to:
Choose a method of contribution - check, credit card, cash or money order. |
Provide accurate personal details for official receipting and taxation purposes. |
Request anonymity and confidentiality; and where appropriate. |
These are the things you need to remember when making your donation to the City Bocce Club:
Complete a City Bocce Club donation form. Make sure a signed donation form accompanies your donation and that your personal details are filled in accurately.
Choose a method of contribution - check, credit card, cash or money order. |
Provide accurate personal details for official receipting and taxation purposes. |
Request anonymity and confidentiality; and where appropriate. |
City Bocce Club, Inc.
123 Any St. NW
City, ST 12345
Finally, remember - You have made a big difference to the bocce sport in the City, State, and the Country!
Figure 124: Donation money
Figure 125: Donation campaign volunteers
Figure 126: Donation, credit card
2. Information for donors
Nominating a preferred option
You can donate to the City Bocce Club in general or nominate a registered project you would prefer your donation to benefit.
Pledges - regular donations
You can make regular donations to the City Bocce Club. The staff at the City Bocce Club will be happy to help you formulate a pledge plan. Please call us at (425) 743-6004.
Bequests - remembering a favorite sport in your will
Please contact the City Bocce Club if you would like information about how to remember your favorite sport or club in your will.
Gifts of Trading Stock
Trading stock can be donated to the City Bocce Club. Certain guidelines under existing law must be met to qualify for tax deductibility. Contact the City Bocce Club office for more information.
Anonymous Donations
Donations can be handled anonymously if desired. Confidentiality is assured.
The City Bocce Club produces a regular newsletter Fundraiser which provides information on current projects, up-to-date taxation information, and fundraising ideas.
The City Bocce Club retains a levy of 5% of all donations received to enable it to cover its administrative costs.
Figures 124-126 Photo Credit Info: - Alexander Mils, Rodnae Productions, Cottonbro
If you require further information on our projects, or you wish to make a donation to assist the bocce sport, please complete and mail, or e-mail the Donation Form:
Link to Donation Form (click arrow)
Links to Fundraising pages (click arrows)
Site design, development, and technical support: Zijo Saric.
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