What does it take to be the kind of sport that appeals to the sports passion of many civilizations? The following provides an outline of the principles of the sport, the courts, the equipment, and the disciplines.
Game principles
The aim of the game |
Method of play Scoring Team formation |
one against one (singles) with four bocce balls to each player,
two against two (doubles) with three bocce balls to each player,
three against three (threes) with two bocce balls to each player,
four against four (fours) with two bocce balls to each player.
The match
Points for the Match and Duration of the Match - Programs and announcements for competition must announce the number of points required to win a match and, when appropriate, the maximum duration of the match.
Figure 138: Referee - distance measurement
Figure 139: Scoreboard-clock
The number of points must not be less than 7 and not more than 13.
The maximum duration of each match may not exceed 3 hours. In all cases, the times allotted to matches must allow the competition to finish at a reasonable hour. However, if it becomes absolutely necessary, the Organizing Committee in agreement with the Referee can reduce the number of points and the duration. The number of points will never be less than 7 and the duration never less than one hour.
The winning team
The team which wins the match is one which:
First reaches the specified score within the maximum time allowed when such time is per-determined, or
Has the higher score at the end of regular time.
Figure 140: Winners
The bocce court is a rectangular shape. The dimensions are 27.50 m long and 2,50 m-4 m wide; the accepted international standard is 3 m wide. |
Figure 141: Bocce court - game
The court is divided with parallel lines in two 0,50 m back area rectangles, two 2 m rectangles (added rectangles), two 5 m rectangles (validity rectangles for the jack), and one 12,50 m rectangle or central rectangle. |
The essential equipment used in classic bocce includes:
metal bocce balls,
a jack,
a measure.
Bocce balls Bocce balls are metallic or synthetic spheres, with a diameter of 90-100 mm and a weight of 900 grams to 1200 grams. There are bocce balls with a smaller diameter for children. Synthetic bocce balls are used as target or obstacle balls for specialized bocce disciplines like precision throw and progressive throw. |
Figure 142: Metal bocce balls - different designs
The jack The jack is a wooden sphere with a diameter of 35-37 mm. During a game/match, only one jack is used. Exception: In the precision throw, the target jack must be white and of synthetic material and the obstacle jack must be red. |
Figure 143: Jacks
The measure The measure is a metallic L-shaped stick of 50 cm with the end being 5 cm long. Its thickness is 4-6 mm. It is used for measuring the distances from bocce balls and jacks and marking the semicircle, which is 50 cm from either a bocce ball or jack. |
The special equipment
Additionally, there is special equipment for technical bocce disciplines:
For precision throw, one can use a mat 0,75 m wide, 6 m long, and 6 mm thick; white and red target and obstacle synthetic bocce balls that have diameters of 100 mm and 95 mm, respectively; and target and obstacle jacks that have a diameter of 36 mm.,
For progressive throw, one can use a mat 0,75 m wide, 5,20 m long, and 6 mm thick; white target bocce balls that have a diameter of 100 mm.
The referee’s equipment includes the ruler for measuring long distances; a small scale for measuring the weight of bocce balls; and vernier calipers for measuring the diameter of bocce balls.
Bocce sport also has its special clothing and shoes as well as a variety of different sports bags for carrying bocce balls, clothes, shoes, scoreboards, and other equipment.
Figure 144: Measure
Figure 145: Progressive throw mat
Figures 138, 140, 141 Photo Credit: Federation Internationale de Boules (FIB -
Figures 139, 142-145 Photo Credit: Bocce manufacturers and distributors (see Equipment Pictures page)
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