The aim of the game is to place one’s bocce ball as near as possible to a target ball that is called the jack. The opponent, in turn, attempts to place his/her bocce balls nearer to this jack or to move the bocce balls that prevent him/her from doing so.
The winning team is the one which:
first reaches the specified score (must not be less than 7 and not more than 13 points) within the maximum time allowed (may not exceed 3 hours), when such time is pre-determined, or
has the higher score at the end of regular time (not less than 1 hour).
Starting the game
Right to first delivery
The right to toss the jack in the first end is decided by a coin flip between the two teams.
Subsequently, the team winning an end tosses the jack. Any member of a team may toss the jack without being obliged to play the first ball.
Validity of the delivery
The delivery is valid when the jack comes to rest in the 5 m rectangle opposite the one from which it was tossed (i.e., between B and C lines).
Note: Section 5.1.3 The Bocce Court describes the areas of the court, including a 5 m rectangle on both sides of the court.
If the delivery is irregular, the opposing team may place the jack in the rectangle of validity, as it wishes.
The bocce court
The bocce court is a rectangular shape.
The court dimensions are: length: 27.50 m, width: 2,50 m - 4 m
Accepted international standard for the width is 3 m.
Nomenclature of the court |
Areas of the court |
A: start line B: 1st line C: 2nd line or maximum line D: 3rd line or back line E: 4th line or end line F: side line |
1: central rectangle 2: validity rectangle for the jack 3: added rectangle 4: back area 2+3: play area 2+3+4: 7,50 m rectangle or throw area |
Balls delivered, out of play, or annulled
The team which tosses the jack must play the first ball. Then the opponents bowl or throw and after that the team which does not hold the point plays. If the first ball goes out of play or is annulled, the opponents must play. If their ball also goes out of play or is annulled, the first team plays again, and so on. If no balls are left on the court after the throw or bowl of a player, the opposing team must play. If this last ball played goes out of play or is annulled, the other team must play again, and so on.
When each team has a ball equidistant from the jack, the team that played last plays again. If the tie is not broken, the other team plays and so forth until the tie is broken.
Objects out of play
An object is out of play if its central circumference passes beyond the outer limit of the line (side line or third line); the jack is out of play if its central circumference passes beyond the outer limit of the first line.
Time allowed
Every ball must be played within a maximum time of 45 seconds, which starts from the time when:
Figure 25: Bocce court
the jack is correctly placed in the court;
it has been decided which team shall play;
the referee has taken his decision;
the required replacements have been made.
In the case of infringement, the referee will at once annul the ball and it must not be played. If it is played, it has no effect.
The decision of the referee is final.
Figure 26: Checking an object
The bowled delivery
A bowled delivery is regular when the ball:
the jack is correctly placed in the court,
it has been decided which team shall play.
Distance measurement
The distances are measured in a straight line, starting from the point obtained by the intersection of the two marks of the object moved to the outer edge of this object.
The distances traveled respectively by moved objects are not to be added together. The distance traveled outside the court is not calculated.
Figure 27: Distance measurement
The throw
The player who wishes to throw must clearly designate the object at which he is aiming. This object, which must always be one only, can never be a ball of his own team. The designation made by the player is the only valid one.
A mark will be drawn by the opponents 50 centimeters in front of the designated object. This mark must be curved and from 15 to 20 centimeters in length (see Figure 28). Every mark which is not challenged before the throw is valid for checking the point of landing.
Figure 28: Throw mark
Figure 29: Regular hrow
Figure 30: Iregular hrow
Figure 31: Iregular hrow
A throw is regular when all three following conditions are simultaneously observed:
the point of landing is not more than 50 centimeters from the designated object
the point of landing is not more than 50 centimeters from the object first struck
the object first struck is not more than 50 centimeters from the designated object.
The outer edge of the throw mark must not at any point be modified or erased by the impression left on the ground by the thrown ball at its point of landing.
A throw is also regular when a ball strikes directly, i.e., without having first touched the ground, an object positioned at not more than 50 centimeters from the designated object. However, in the case of a regular throw with a non-designated jack, the jack is compulsorily restored to its original position.
Figure 32: Bowled delivery 1
Figure 33: Bowled delivery 2
Advantage rule
The effects of all irregular deliveries are left to the discretion of the opposing team. It may accept or refuse to accept (excluding an irregular ball) the whole new situation created and will observe, if the situation requires, the rules laid down for each delivery in respect of replacements or annulments.
However, in the case of an irregular throw with a non-designated jack, the jack is compulsorily restored to its original position. The advantage rule applies only to balls that have been moved or are out of play.
Figure 34: Throw 1
Figure 35: Throw 2
Position of players
In all cases, the players must stand beyond the first line. At the moment of a throw, the players must stand still and not stare at the thrower. If space permits, all players will keep off the court, as near as possible and along the side line.
The teammates of the thrower, before he starts his run-up, will stand in a line, elbow to elbow, on the same side of the court. They must not indicate in any way the objects or the cross lines once the player has started his run-up.
Figures 33-36 Photo Credit: Federation Internationale de Boules (FIB -
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