The court to be used is the same as for classic bocce.
They are placed in the positions indicated in Figure 32.
Equipment used
Balls used by the thrower: 4 balls.
Target balls: (targets no 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10). They have a 100 mm diameter and 800 ± 10 g weight. They are white and made of synthetic material.
Target jack: (targets no 2, 4, and 11). It has a 36 mm diameter and 25 ± 2 g weight. It is white.
Obstacle balls: (targets no 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10). They have a 95 mm diameter and 660 ± 10 g in weight. They are red and made of synthetic material.
Obstacle jack: (target no 7). It has a 36 mm and 25 ± 2 g weight. It is red.
Mat (see Figure 32): It is made of synthetic material. Its color must allow for good visibility of the targets and obstacle objects. It must comply with the following technical requirements:
length: 6 m ± 0,05 m,
width: 0,75 m ± 0,05 m,
thickness: 6 mm ± 0,5 mm,
minimum weight: 4,5 kg/m2,
holes for positioning of balls and jack: diameter = 20 mm.
For every position a zone is to be marked out to check the validity of a throw: width 40 cm - parallel edges - respecting the 0,50 meters described in Art. 43 of International Technical Regulations.
Target and obstacle balls may vary in diameter by plus or minus 1 mm.
Validity of the throw
The throw is valid when the object regularly hit (Art. 43 and Art. 46) definitively leaves the hole it occupies on the mat. The point of landing must be completely within the cut-out area of the mat.
The throw is not valid if the object is moved because of any vibration of the mat.
Furthermore, the obstacle object must not at all definitively move from its marked positions (targets 7 and 8), or come out of the holes (targets 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10).
Anything caused by the borders of the cutout area on the mat is not to be taken into consideration.
The number of points scored corresponds to the number of each regularly hit, as shown in Figure 32.
Each player must carry out a complete series of 11 throws from target 1 to target 11, one ball for each target with a maximum time of 30 seconds allowed for each ball. In case of an error in the order of throwing, the incorrect throw or incorrect throws will be annulled, and the game will continue taking it from the normal progression.
If a tie situation occurs between two or more players, and if the regulations of the game do not provide for a tie, the game will continue until the tie no longer exists.
Figure 36: Precision throw mat and target/obstacle bocce and jacks positions
Figure 37: Precision throw mat - Target 7
Figure 38: Precision throw mat - Target 3
Figures 37, 38 Photo Credit: Bocce Federation of France ( -
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