1558 rue Claires Fontaines, 01150 Saint-Vulbas, France |
Telephone: (33) 4 74 46 49 39 - Email: - Internet: |
Champion’s last name - number of world championships (titles) |
Granaglia - 13 |
Sturla - 10 |
Bragaglia - 8 |
Bruzzone P. - 7 |
Cheviet - 7 |
Macocco - 7 |
Baroetto - 7 |
Grail - 6 |
Chirat - 6 |
Kozjek - 5 |
Janzic - 5 |
Berthet - 5 |
Benevene - 5 |
Abelfo - 4 |
Borcnik - 4 |
Balabene - 4 |
Noharet - 4 |
Millon - 4 |
Suini - 4 |
Million - 4 |
Pioz - 4 |
Reffet - 4 |
Dodig - 3 |
Cubela M. - 3 |
La Posta - 3 |
Tonejc - 3 |
Petric - 3 |
Amar - 3 |
Brnic - 3 |
Grattapaglia - 3 |
Amerio - 3 |
Perrier - 3 |
Fernandez - 3 |
Andreoli - 3 |
Gaggero - 3 |
Roissard - 3 |
Montemerlo - 2 |
Perras - 2 |
Grosso - 2 |
Pretto - 2 |
Marsens - 2 |
Ziraldo - 2 |
Mandola - 2 |
Zivolic - 2 |
Lapertot - 2 |
Pautassi - 2 |
Maugiron - 2 |
Ivancic - 2 |
Meret - 2 |
Beakovic - 2 |
Lotto - 2 |
Poyet - 2 |
Pingeon - 2 |
Milicevic - 2 |
Bruzzone E. - 2 |
Condro - 2 |
Riviera - 2 |
Selva - 2 |
Imbert - 2 |
Queron - 2 |
Aghem - 2 |
Notti - 2 |
Marty - 2 |
Bouvet - 2 |
Ferrari - 2 |
Oliver - 2 |
Remond - 2 |
Majorel - 1 |
Cubela P. - 1 |
Hassissi - 1 |
Gustin - 1 |
Zouaoui- 1 |
Chirat G. - 1 |
Zapata - 1 |
Basualdo - 1 |
Gulja - 1 |
Causevic - 1 |
Sofronievski- 1 |
Guaschino - 1 |
Combet - 1 |
Mana - 1 |
Alcaraz - 1 |
Belay - 1 |
Molager - 1 |
Saban - 1 |
Soligon- 1 |
Laugier- 1 |
Garcia - 1 |
Vehar - 1 |
Skoberne - 1 |
Rednak - 1 |
Molicnik - 1 |
Novak- 1 |
Maglic - 1 |
Bilon - 1 |
Nari - 1 |
Epinat - 1 |
Kovacevic - 1 |
Gielly - 1 |
Bois - 1 |
Burnichon - 1 |
Pastre- 1 |
Vottero - 1 |
Marillat - 1 |
Coulomb - 1 |
Righetti - 1 |
Boursier - 1 |
Brun- 1 |
Guillerminet - 1 |
Pardon - 1 |
Torgano - 1 |
Laroche - 1 |
Rouffia - 1 |
Bauducco - 1 |
Carrera - 1 |
Motto - 1 |
Didier - 1 |
Dreyfus - 1 |
Guyet - 1 |
Delay Thermoz- 1 |
Jars - 1 |
Pantanella - 1 |
Lanzi - 1 |
Michel - 1 |
Morer - 1 |
Charbonnier- 1 |
Laverriere - 1 |
Sotton - 1 |
Vincent - 1 |
Andrieu - 1 |
Bourguignon - 1 |
Pilore- 1 |
Photo Credits:
Federatione Internationale de Boules (FIB -
Bocce Federation of France (
Bocce Federation of Italy (
Bocce Federation of Slovenia (
Bocce Federation of Croatia (
Bocce Federation of Argentina (
Targa d’Oro Alassio (
Glas Istre (
Le CartophiLion (
Press Reader (
Boule Lyonnaise Du Pays De Berg (
Comite Des Hautes-Alpes (
Comite Bouliste Departmental des Alpes Maritimes Sport Boules Lyonnaises (
Facebook (
Although we made our best efforts to check all the information published on this website, if you notice any error in facts, wrong picture, or anything else, please let us know. Also, if you have any of the missing pictures of the world champions, could you please forward it to us and we will update this or other page promptly. We appreciate your help in advance.
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