The City Bocce Club is a non-profit organization that relies on donations, sponsorship, grants, training, and projects for finance to carry out its many services and activities.
Corporate and individual support play a vital role in the ability of the City Bocce Club to build the facility and provide the activities and services to its members and community.
Why not join us and become a supporter of the City Bocce Club and of the bocce sport in City and the North Sound area?
The objective of the financial assistance is to assist the City Bocce Club as community-based sporting and recreation organization to develop and expand the services it will provide, thereby increasing the community's access to quality sports and recreation activities and facilities.
The City Bocce Club guarantees funds will be used directly for the development of the bocce sport in the City. The City Bocce Club will ensure that funds are applied to this sport constructively and responsibly and in the spirit of its mission.
The Difference between Donation and Sponsorship
Donation and sponsorship are different.
When supporting sport, corporations and individuals can either:
1. make a tax-deductible donation; or
2. enter into a sponsorship agreement.
The Income Tax Law allows for the deduction of a gift donated to the City Bocce Club. To constitute a gift under the Law, money or property must be transferred voluntarily and not as a result of contractual obligation. Further, the donor must not receive any material advantage in return.
On the other hand, sponsorship is a business deal whereby both parties receive a material benefit. An example is where a company sponsors a bocce club. For its $1,000.00 sponsorship, the bocce club gives the company seats to every home game, a team jacket, and tickets to the annual dinner. It is a two-way deal with both parties doing well from the arrangement.
The company's sponsorship is not as such, tax-deductible under the Income Tax Law. It may, however, be tax deductible under other sections of the Law.
Links to Fundraising subpages (click arrows)
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